It’s All About Me Blog Hop

Thanks to Mdm Samm of Sew We Quilt! and Marlene of Stitchin By The Lake hop cheerleader! Also thanks to Amy Bradley for designing this cute little pattern for this hop.

I struggled with this project a little. I couldn’t decide on a background and then again on the attaching binding. Binding is not my favorite thing because I’m so bad at it.  You’d think after all this time quilting, I’d have it down already but I never bind my quilts. I avoid it. With this little quilt I give it a try (again) and well the results were less than desirable.

Watching some tutorials, I hard time flipping the image in my head and making my hands do what I just saw.

Thanks so much for stopping by today!

Today’s scheldule:

 February 21

Kris Loves Fabric

The Quilting Alleycat

Cat Patches

Bumbleberry Stitches (That’s Me 🙂 )

Chickadees Country Cottage Crafts

In Stitches and Seams


Quilting Unleashed

Rosemary at That Other Blog

Thimblemouse & Spouse

Sew Many Yarns



156 thoughts on “It’s All About Me Blog Hop

  1. Thanks! That's true and a good thing too, cause I don't know if ever mine will. Invisible thread take care of my corners.


  2. Oh, how sweet! Thanks so much! I do love tiaras and if you lived next do I'd send you all my binding!! lol


  3. I'm loving what you did. The black and white did “you” up beautifully. Loved your mirror sunglasses and in crown in your hair! Photo editing can be a marvelous tool; wish there was a tool that worked as slick on real things like double chins, gray hair, and bellies!!


  4. I think we do and is probably why I am ambidextrous too. Maybe that's why I get reversed all the time. lolActually I think quilts look better without borders. I do them because it's called for in a pattern and then II try to use them for balance of color or to the complete the picture, like a window. Borders are confiding other wise. That's probably why you don't see borders around paintings.


  5. Thanks! Oh, I will, I'm coming the place were I'm just accepting the fact that I'm an applique'r and embroider, not a piercer.


  6. heheh! I love her shiny glasses and tiara!!! I think binding is the worst part of doing a quilt (it's what I dislike the most, anyway)…I love the fabric choices – the black and white is so sharp – what is that fabric in the border? looks like circuit boards? it's really cool!


  7. She 's just darling! I'm right handed but have such bad arthritis I've thought several times I should try to teach myself to do some things with my left. I know it must be so hard! blessings, marlene


  8. Great hair on your lady! I'm with you, I hate binding by hand so I do everything except show quilts on my machine! I just don't like hand work!


  9. great job. funny but I like to do binding. LOL. The dress fabric reminds me of a dress my aunt used to wear.


  10. she's so glam! i'm left handed too, but I've never had a problem translating the instructions. Have you tried googling specifically for instructions for left handers?


  11. I love your crown. You are a quilting queen. If you had not mentioned it, no one would ever have known you struggled with the binding. Handedness can be very strong. I am so very right handed. My second husband was left handed and did many things right handed. When he went to school, the teacher wanted to change him to writing right handed, but he already knew how to write. I think that was debatable. I couldn't read his writing or printing. I have trouble visualizing some things rotated; others not. It just depends on the object. My mother's mother was left handed because she was paralyzed on her right side. My mom learned to do lots of things from a left handed perspective. The world is getting better for lefties, but it still has a long way to go. You do an awesome job. Thank you for taking time to participate, blog, and inspire. I am learning much from this hops. I am glad that folks are sharing their struggles. I know I'm not the only one who has difficulties and then when I tackle on the projects, I may not be surprised if I encounter an obstacle. Patterns make every project sound like a breeze. Again, a great job!


  12. I really like the gray-scale quality of this one. It makes the colors and details of the pincushion really pop! Good job!


  13. I love your creation, she is perfect. As to the binding, why do folks get in a fix about quilts needing binding with perfect mitres – it doesn't make them any warmer or snugglier.


  14. Oh, I wish I lived next door to you. I love binding.I have a lot of lefties in my family. I am right handed but boy oh boy we have a lot of left handed lovies at all 4 corners in fact. So, I know exactly how you feel. It seems everything is made for right handed people. There should be left handed sewing machines too by the way. Well, I love your fabrics and everything about this creation of yours. I wish I could come over right now and do that binding. I think you sport that tiara well!


  15. I love the tiara and her shades! Binding can be a bear but I never considered how difficult it might be a for a left hander. We have several lefties in my family and they tend to be ambidextrous, perhaps from necessity? Do what works for you!! Me? I hate putting on borders and often leave them off especially on a donation quilt that has some size constraints. Always ready to move on to the next project too.


  16. Edge editing or not, your quiltie is fabulous. Love your color choices. I do have to say, I love the editing though. I need to take some lessions from you on photo editing!


  17. Great little quilt. The black and white reminded me of the old photos of family. i have problems with binding too because I was left handed and taught to be right. They laugh at me and say I am directionally challenged because of it still. Can't tell you right or left I just point.


  18. That's funny, I didn't think about that. I just put it there cause I thought Iooked good. I'd wear a pincushion on either wrist, depending. Thanks for stopping by!


  19. Thanks so much! I wish I could have gotten a better picture. Her crown turned out so nice. Better than this picture shows.


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